INFO: Non-English OS considerations
Modified on: Mon, 31 Oct, 2016 at 8:10 PM
Author: Lars / Editor: Lars Ref. ID: 12476
Some non-US English operating systems can cause anomalies and diminished product experience. This article shows some easy steps that may help mitigate these issues.
Decimal symbol
For non-US English OS’s, users may have to define the decimal symbol to be “.” (period) rather than a “,” (comma). This is done by selecting Control Panel > Region and Language > Formats > Additional settings > Numbers > Decimal symbol.
To change the way your computer displays numbers, in the Numbers tab, you might want to change:
- Decimal symbol
- Negative number format
- Display leading zeros
- List separator
- Measurement system (U.S. or Metric)
Language for non-Unicode programs
The system locale determines the default character set (letters, symbols, and numbers) and font used to enter and display information in programs that don't use Unicode. This allows non-Unicode programs to run on your computer using the specified language. You might need to change the default system locale when you install additional display languages on your computer. Selecting a different language for the system locale doesn't affect the language in menus and dialog boxes for Windows or other programs that do use Unicode.
- In the Windows Start menu, select Control Panel > Region and Language > Administrative > Change system locale.
- If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.
- Select the language.
- Click OK.
- To restart your computer, click Restart now.
User Account Control (UAC)
To install a Presagis product on a Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows Server environment, you must be logged in as a user with administrative privileges. In addition, you must disable the Windows UAC to install and start a License Server on the host system. The UAC does NOT apply to Windows Server 2003.
If the UAC is not disabled, or if it is required on the server, then you will have to start the application by right-clicking the tool and select Run as administrator in order to bypass the UAC.
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